Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fema Klab - Mwenge Secondary School Singida

From left standing: Dotto Mwendwa, Moses Songoma, Ketoka Elly, Michael Morris, Miraji Massaka, Maro R. Maro, Hamis Ngasa, Charles Sagalya, Denis Rweyemamu, Simon Richard. From left squatting: Jovine Johansen, Jonannes Kalembo Paul Kimolo, Nelson John, Richard Nakei.



  1. KETOKA STANSLAUS ELLY; the first squarting on right handside is the one who chaired at first mwenge sec. fema club' he is the one who named the club 'students' ambassadors fema club'. he was also a prefect at mwenge high school 2011/20012. He is now going to join MZUMBE UNIVERSITY MOROGORO

  2. Ohoo a long memory
